
Ultimate Guide: Olive Oil – Uses, Benefits, Why You Must Use It Now! (Updated in 2018)


According to some, consuming olive oil give a lot of health benefit, but is it that good? Read this article to find out…

What if I told you, you had one of nature’s most versatile really products in your very own kitchen cupboard!

For the health-conscious gourmet, there is one ingredient that sure to set the taste buds sizzling from frying to salad dressing, olive oil is an essential in any modern kitchen a wide variety of grades and flavors are available but they all have one thing in common.

No it is not the green bottle it often comes in but the olives themselves each type of olive has a unique taste by combining different types the producer can create oil with an individual flavor.

So, today I want to answer the question, “is olive oil healthy?” and talk about the many health benefits of olive oil. And I might surprise you in this video to let you know, olive oil can be an incredible super food.

The problem is 98% of olive oil today is not true extra virgin olive oil. And because of it, much of our olive oil today is fake and it can actually have some negative health benefits. So in this article as well, I’m going to teach you and show you at the end how to pick out some real quality olive oil.

I’m going to cover lots of information, but you can skip down to any section below by click on it:

What Is Olive Oil, Exactly?


Speaking of making them, there is a picture here. And this is just Olives that are getting to be pressed.

And they just mixed out by the different colors from the same tree (The difference due to difference in area of exposure to brightness).

And so those go into a container, where it just pressed until the oil comes out.


So it’s not a mechanical machine, it is a hand machine that’s done it.

Types Of Olive Oils


We’re now looking at the difference between regular, virgin and extra virgin olive oils.

Generally speaking live oils fall into one of two broad categories; refined and unrefined with virgin and extra virgin fitting in the latter category, and pure and light olive oils in the former.

Olives used to make the two virgin, unrefined oils aren’t treated with heat or chemicals, but rather are cold-pressed; as the name implies, this means the olives are simply pressed and squeezed to get the oil out.

Those olives  that produce the highest quality of oil in terms of rich taste (though flavor can still vary wildly based on a variety of factors) and acidity make extra virgin olive oil while slightly ripe olives, that are also just simply pressed, produced virgin olive oil.

How to grade extra virgin olive oil?

In terms of acidity, to be graded extra virgin, the olive oil must have an oleic acid content of less than 0.8%, while virgin olive oil can have as much as 2% (or 1.5% under International Olive Council Standards).

As these unrefined products are made from better oils, they are typically more (and in some cases much more) expensive than their refined brethren.

They are also considered better for you (at least before they’re heated significantly), as they retain all of their minerals, enzymes, vitamins and phenols.

What about refine olive oil?

The refined oils, (pure) olive oil and light, are generally made from oils that would be relatively unpalatable if bottled without further processing.

As such, they are treated with solvents and high heat to remove undesirable odors and flavors.

The process leaves a relatively neutral-tasting light (in color) olive oil.

Sometimes, in order to make light oils taste a bit more like the expensive grades; a small percentage of virgin olive oil is blended into the refined oil, with the end product generally being labeled simply “olive oil” or “pure olive oil”.

Some labels “light” olive oils are also blended with other oils such as canola.

While the refined olive oils are less nutritious, they are also less affected by high temperatures when compared with virgin oils.

For comparison, the smoke point of extra-virgin olive oil is approximately 320 °F (160 °C), virgin at approximately 420 °F (215°C) and light approximately 465 °F or (240 °C).

As such it’s typical to use light olive oil for things like baking, grilling, frying and sautéing, essentially where high temperatures are required and particularly in the cases where a strong olive taste is not desired.

On the other end of the spectrum, extra-virgin olive oil is generally preferred for things like dressings and dips, where flavorful oil is preferable and the oil isn’t going to be subjected to high heat that would rapidly degrade it.

Health Benefit Of Olive Oil

So to answer your question, is olive oil healthy?



Olive oil has tremendous health benefits; it’s one of the healthiest foods in the world.

Benefits of a good quality olive oil include:

1) Polyphenols, which are fat-soluble antioxidant that protect the brain and heart.

2) Mono unsaturated fatty acids are good for the heart, support balancing hormones and lubricate joints.

3) Vitamin E improves heart health and increases healthy glowing skin.

Yes, it is great for your heart, brain and hormones but it has to be real, true extra virgin olive oil.

Uses Of Olive Oil

What if I told you, you had one of nature’s most versatile really products in your very own kitchen cupboard!

Olive oil is commonly used in cooking and its benefits for health are widely known.

That’s mostly due to oleic acid that is a monounsaturated fat.

Oleic acid is believed to help reduce inflammation and have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.

Yes, it’s as cool as it sounds.

The great thing about natural products is that if they’re beneficial to health, they’re usually beneficial to beauty too.

Olive oil is not an exception!

Many people should know that olive oil is particularly healthy even it is oil.

That is why many nutritionists and cooking researchers recommend olive oil for various dishes.

However, there are surprisingly many people who did not know that it is a beauty-friendly ally, such as skin, hair, and nail care and so on?

Thanks to vitamin E, essential fatty acid, mineral ingredients, it is a material that can be used as a perfect treatment with plenty of nutrition.

This time, we introduce how to use perfect olive oil as natural beauty care.

Do not miss it!


  1. Olive oil to maintain the figure:

We already know that this oil is part of the famous Mediterranean diet, but now we know that, in addition to reducing the chances of suffering some health problems, it is perfect for our figure.

If you add to your diet the custom of taking a spoonful of olive oil daily in fasting, you lose weight and also keep in it.

  1. Hair conditioner:

Olive oil’s natural fats can nourish your damaged hair ends and give them life again.

All you have to do is get some mayonnaise and mix 1 tablespoon of it with 1 tablespoon

of olive oil.

Apply the mixture to your ends, no need to touch your roots since they have their own

natural oils to keep them healthy.

Then put a shower cap or just a plastic bag on and keep it like that for 30 minutes.

Afterwards, wash your hair with a shampoo of your choice and let it dry naturally.

You’ll notice the difference on your ends even after the first time.

Use this remedy once a week to slowly give that natural shine and life to your lovely hair.

  1. Body Lotion:

Essential fatty acids and antioxidants contained in olive oil are ideal as natural sprays for skin.

It prevents dryness, cleanses the skin, and keeps the skin flexible, so it can also prevent wrinkles on the face.

It will coat your skin letting it preserve its natural moisture and therefore encourage cell repair.

How to use:

Take the necessary amount and apply it to your skin in a gently massaging manner.

Do this everyday.


  1. Peeling:

Thanks to its moisturizing and regenerative power, olive oil can also be used as a base for homemade peeling cream.

It is nutritious and smooth, making it perfect for delicate skin such as face, lips and neck.

How to use:

Mix olive oil and plenty of sugar until it becomes pasty, gently massage it on the part you want to peel.

Rinse after 5 minutes.

Do this up to twice in a week.

  1. Smoothes cuticle:

Care of the cuticle protecting nails is one of important beauty care.

Olive oil is effective for smoothing the cuticle and keeping moisture.

How to use:

Apply olive oil to the surface of the nail using the finger’s belly.

Do this everyday.

  1. Ear cleaning:

Instead of earpick, ear cleaning with olive oil back technique is possible.

How to use:

Heat to the extent that olive oil gently becomes warm.

Pour a few drops of this on your ears and lie down to get inside.

Similarly put oil in the other ear, do this three days every day.

  1. Acne countermeasure:

Many people think that those with a lot of fat are enemies of acne, but combining olive oil and salt will be a powerful anti acne measure.

How to use:

Mix 1 teaspoon salt with olive oil a little and apply it directly to the acne.

Rinse after 10 minutes.

Do this three times a week.

  1. Strong eyelashes:

If you feel that eyelashes are thin and small amount, olive oil is convenient.

If you use a small amount every day, it also stimulates growth by strengthening the eyelashes.

How to use:

Apply a small amount of olive oil to the brush for mascara, and apply from the root to the tip of the hair.

Do this every night.

  1. Protection of nails:

Olive oil also has the effect of protecting nails which are dry or broken.

How to use:

Put olive oil in a container and soak nails in it for 10 minutes.

Do it every day.

It is also possible to paint using a clean brush.

  1. Make – up remover:


Oil breaks down oil.

The advantage of using olive oil for makeup removal is that you can completely remove makeup without hurting your skin.

Also, if you use it around your eyes, not only to reduce your makeup, but also to prevent wrinkle wrinkles by nourishing delicate skin.

How to use:

First of all, you can take any type of olive oil (even kitchen olive oil), put it in a little container, then put it on the cotton and take the makeup out.

It really takes it out of the makeup. So, this saves your money because it is something that I already have in your kitchen. So you don’t have to like buy make up things.

And it’s one of the best things to get rid of the waterproof mascara.

It’s a great thing to take a makeup out specially eye makeup because not only take out the waterproof mascara but it also helps your eyelashes, you know, makes those eyelashes looks smooth.

It doesn’t hurt your eyes.

Now that the makeup is all gone, you can you can wash your face now or you can go to bed with your face like this (with olive oil) and you will wake up to amazing skin.

Side Effect Of Olive Oil

Olive oil is LIKELY SAFE when taken appropriately by mouth or applied to the skin. Olive oil can be used safely as 14% of total daily calories. This is about 2 tablespoons (28 grams) daily. Up to 1 liter per week of extra-virgin olive oil has been used safely as part of a Mediterranean-style diet for up to 5.8 years.

But, there are two sides to every coin.

This famous adage implies that there’s both good and bad side to every ingredient. Olive oil is no exception. Touted to be one of the best in food and skincare world, this oil has numerous health and beauty benefits to offer.

So here is olive oil potential side effects that can take a toll on your health:

  1. Causes acne
  2. Can cause allergies
  3. Causes skin rashes
  4. Not safe on a baby’s skin
  5. Is not suitable for very dry skin
  6. Can cause blackheads
  7. Saturated fat-related diseases
  8. Trans-fat related diseases
  9. Lowers blood sugar
  10. Lowers blood pressure
  11. Causes inflammation
  12. Gallbladder stones/blockage
  13. Can cause diarrhea
  14. High on calories

So make sure to consume olive oil accordingly.

How Much To Eat Olive Oil?

Olive oil can be used safely as 14% of total daily calories. This is about 2 tablespoons (28 grams) daily providing 17.5 grams of mono unsaturated fatty acids in place of saturated fats in the diet. Up to 1 liter per week of extra-virgin olive oil has been used safely as part of a Mediterranean-style diet for up to 5.8 years.

For constipation: 30 ml of olive oil.

Either way, please do check your daily calories intake to consume this oil in large amount.

This amount per day is a reasonable amount as it  leaves room for other healthy fats in your diet, such as nuts, coconut oil and avocados.

How To Choose The Best Olive Oil?


It should also be noted here that although the label may say things like “Cold Pressed” and “Extra Virgin” that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what you’re getting.

In recent years, several reports have circulated that some oils sold as “Extra Virgin” were not!

Beyond potentially using refined oil in these containers, in some cases the oil has been adulterated with canola, soy, corn or cottonseed oil.

While many of these claims may well be overblown, in 2015, Italian authorities discovered that 9 out of every 20 bottles of olive oil sold by top exporters were tainted with other types of oil.

Top ways to pick the best olive oil:

1) Smell the oil to see if it has, a very distinct strong aroma.

2) Dark glass bottle. Your olive oil should always come in a dark glass bottle, whether it’s dark brown or green.

3) Should harden or get cloudy if put in the refrigerator.

4) Look for extra virgin olive oil, certified organic and look at the harvest season date and expiration date on the bottle.

How To Store Olive Oil?

So, when you buy Olive oil, you should store in a dark placed right?

Yes, that’s why the bottle is not clear (dark in color) so that’s it’s protected from the light.

You don’t want to place it in a warm place and you don’t want to refrigerate it either. So you want to store it in a neutral environment.

Bottom Line On Olive Oil.

Remember because Olive oil is all organic and natural you can use it as often as you like in your day-to-day life.

You will be surprised by the results of these tricks, but you have to be constant.

The best only works if you take care of what concerns you and be consistent in the use.

Seize it!!

*This content is strictly on my opinion, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. We will not takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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Hope you guys have an amazing week and I will write the next article very-very soon.


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